Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Of the fatty acids that you can find in the vegetable oils, two of them are basic for the human life.

The oleic acid (monounsaturated), it means the 56 to 83% of the total of fatty acids of the virgin olive oil.

The linoleic acid (polyunsaturated) essential for the organism, is also present in the virgin olive oil from 4 to 21%.

The high content of oleic acid in the virgin olive oil is very beneficial to regulate the cholesterol, because it makes the good cholesterol (HDL) increase, which protects and helps to reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL), decreasing in this way the risk of arterial thrombosis and of heart attack.

The benefits of the virgin olive oil for the organism are:

  • Circulatory system: it helps to prevent the arteriosclerosis and its consequences.
  • Digestive system: it improves the working order of the stomach and the pancreas, and the intestinal level.
  • Skin: protective and tonic effect of the epidermis.
  • Endocrine system: it improves the metabolic functions.
  • Bony system: it stimulates the growth and it favours the absorptionof the calcium and the mineralization.
    The rich diets in virgin olive oil are associated with low mortality for myocardium heart attack.